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Once again the holidays are here time flies by so fast it seems these days, stop and think about our ancestor's and how they survived and celebrated the holiday's, we can read in Laura Ingalls books the hardships of winter, the hardships of gift giving, gifts were simple back then, even today gifts are simple and extravagant to some, but the gift of family is the most important. Thankfully travel has improved from going to grandparent's place via a covered wagon or a sleigh to cars and trucks or planes, trains. gifts as simple as a brown bag with peanuts, an orange a stick of peppermint given at church or the snicker bar from a bus driver we all share those special memories', special traditions carried on from years gone by, soon families will gather to worship and recall that most special gift from God, his son who was sent to save us all. our family traditions continue to be passed down, lefse, kolache's, oyster stew, lasagna and soup. cookies and treats to tempt all of us, to bad there not calorie free.

we wish you the Merriest of Christmas

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