See the many ways you can be apart of preserving Tracy and the surrounding area's history below:
ADOPT A BUILDING: Clean a building before we open and then monthly during the season. We provide cleaning supplies in a bag located behind the door along with a broom and dust pan. We have 9 buildings adopted and 6 buildings left. A couple could use 2+ groups to clean as they are bigger buildings.
ADOPT A PLANTER: In the Spring, planters are set out in front of each building. We have 18 planters available. It is suggested to plant plants that are windy hardy and drought hardy, the Heritage Center will water them throughout the season along with feeding them.
RESEARCH: Do you like to look for information on select topics? We have advertisements that are dated that go with what we have at the Heritage Center. We would like help discovering the location along with who employees were, and any photographs that might be available.
FAMILY HISTORY: If you have a family history album, we are always looking for those to add to our collections.
SOCIAL MEDIA: We are looking for someone to post on social media platforms, share photos of an artifact, share event happenings, and fun facts about the Heritage Center.
AUDIO VIDEO: We are looking for someone who has the ability to take recordings of exhibits and to help with interactive exhibits.
If interested in any of the above volunteer opportunities please email or call Jon or 507-626-1949.